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Décès de Taiji

Dong Koo
Little Jane
Siu Keung
Jean Beudebois
Neo Kerberos
Ryn X June
64 participants

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226Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Ven 29 Juil 2011 - 0:47



Grave... :/ Enfin si la presse attire l'attention sur elle, ptètre qu'on parviendra à avoir des informations correctes :/ M'enfin...

227Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Ven 29 Juil 2011 - 0:48



Oui la le but c'est d'avoir des infos correctes mais les deux blogs que je vous ai link ne sont pas des blogs de fans ... et ça, ça fait peur...

228Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Ven 29 Juil 2011 - 2:59

Siu Keung

Siu Keung

Mainmain a écrit:Je fais le boulot pour toi, Merlou :

http://ameblo.jp/dsb-sync/entry-10965301465.html a écrit:The mystery deepens … Wasn't there ligature mark made after the suicide new fact neck of TAIJI had been hung?[**] of the adhesive tape also : around the mouth ….

It was arrested in Saipan for the reasons with "Raged in the airplane", and bassist's Yasushi TAIJI Sawada (age at death 45 years old) gripped the new evidence in the member of former X that hung the neck with the sheet of the bed while investigating it and attempted suicide. Let's say the [hakkiri]. "It was not a suicide" possibility has come out from TAIJI.
July 11 when looking back on this event. TAIJI headed for Saipan in Delta Air Lines of the departure from Narita. It is Terumi manager Kitami of the YOU production said that the management of TOAIJI was done to be accompanying.
It quarreled about TAIJI and Kitami in Saipan the arriving about 30 minutes ago, and it was arrested and it was prosecuted by the police authority of Saipan because it obstructed it the business in the airplane because it had raged. Middle , TAIJI was hung the neck with the sheet of the bed in the lockup and attempted suicide to the investigation. TAIJI was in haste carried to the hospital and treatment was begun in the intensive care unit. It was the 14th. However, it is at the 16th to transmit this information in Japan. Then, what on earth was it for these two days?
In later information, it is said, TAIJI was "State of the brain death" when carried. However, it was information on "It was conscious" and "Talk about the word" in Japan. WhyIt is because Kitami controls information by using the mail of the cellular phone of TAIJI. Therefore, opposite information was transmitted in TAIJI among the realities , saying that "It is energetic". Moreover, Kitami has deleted all blogs and homepages of TAIJI as soon as it transmits the unsuccessful suicide attempt of TAIJI as news.
Anyway, Tomomi Akatsuka (manager of TS GLASTON COMPANY to which TAIJI served as the representative) who it was a relative (mother) and was the fiance headed for Saipan hearing the unsuccessful suicide attempt of TAIJI. It was the 17th. The relative who saw TAIJI agrees to remove the life-support system installed in TAIJI by arriving at Saipan. At that time, TAIJI became a person who did not return. It is about 11:00AM of the 17th.
The aspect of this event had changed greatly as the north sample person the victim in the airplane afterwards came to light, too to understand had been to have deleted the blog and the homepage of the use of the having been going manager of the cell phone text message of TAIJI after the attempt of the suicide of TAIJI, the transmission of "Identity theft mail" to various related organizations, and TAIJI intentionally now.
Moreover, it is a to tell the truth confused because of say by remains of TAIJI that it remains being enshrined to Saipan now and "Who is managing is not understood" state story.
In such and the stupendous information have come to light.
"Actually, there was no [**] made when the neck was hung on the neck of TAIJI at all. "
To have hung the neck was not that the [**] it exists though might be sure to remain in the neck the ligature mark. It is not only that. It is said that it remained [**] where the adhesive tape is put around the mouth.
If this testimony is true, even information "TAIJI hung the neck" becomes doubtful.
A certain parties concerned say.
「It is common sense in the world to suspect's investigation that uses a careful attention mind. It is the same also in the police in Saipan. In short, pat-down is done, and the attention of thorough is paid also in the lockup at the investigation so that the suspect should not commit suicide. [Nimo] is not related, and it is not thought that the suicide is easily attempted why. Moreover, calling a sheet of the bed also : …. To begin with, was the sheet put?It is only a doubt. 」。
It is said that TAIJI will not be inspected in Saipan. To begin with, in what state even remains are enshrined is not transmitted. The mystery just deepens to the death of TAIJI.

http://ameblo.jp/dsb-sync/entry-10965301465.html a écrit:I think that it might not be a suicide.

Rage [rutteno] is great in the airplane though having raged might be true.
[Ishina] of content of ground in much more [kotona] ..doing.. country and idea [rya**] it as for restraint ..no quarrel it..

Well, it puts it.

My parties concerned
To Mr. TAIJI's live X JAPAN
It is ..coming.. [te] as for the management when participating.

After that, the problem.
It becomes a present manager.

It became this event.

Mr. TAIJI : me from parties concerned.
The next day in which it was effective of being in Saipan now

Very much when the report of this riot enters and it is reported critical

E-mail that Mr. TAIJI says it is safe to my parties concerned

There is mail from Mr. TAIJI's terminal to be precise.

Parties concerned were answers of safe alive [teruyo] of not worrying to me.

To lay bare the truth now, my parties concerned are moving.

The amusing one is a female manager who is getting into the news now.

And, who sent the identity theft mail to Mr. TAIJI in various Mr. TAIJI's parties concerned?

Who is the guy who is deleting Mr. TAIJI's diary with Mr. TAIJI's personal computer?

The image not let to be seen seems to be Al.

Is the kinsman that became estranged why brought, and is a fiance today obstructed?

Is it [runoha] ..becoming it.. [ze] when handing it over after remains are burnt? [gone]

Be unpalatable when it is put on the autopsy or in the police in that island
Shall not of the other the guy who is committing suicide.

Well there seems to be the world in which the guy who has power because it might be the world at [shou] takes the lead.

To pass the family collecting information and remains, my parties concerned are moving.

Because the funeral cannot be done the way things are going
Only something amusing and I want to say.
I want you to move the mass communication so as not to get it all giving the voice more more, dragging out the female manager to media, and the briefing and no coverages.

Parties concerned told it not to trust the article on * * body easily.

The female manager's breath seems to hang here.

Anyway, when it is not a suicide though it is understood that it is difficult because it is a problem of separating the country

I … It is not easy to think that Mr. TAIJI is an unreasonable [kuchadattakedo] suicide.

En tous cas, c'est pas rassurant sur ce qui s'est réellement passé... =/

WTF ? Et c'est quoi leurs sources ?

229Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Ven 29 Juil 2011 - 8:06



Oulà...si c'est vrai là ça craint vraiment...surtout cette histoire de scotch autour de la bouche. J'espère qu'il va y avoir une bonne enquête et qu'on saura ce qui s'est réellement passé. (Et qu'on attrape le coupable, si coupable il y a.)

230Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Ven 29 Juil 2011 - 11:11



Bon j'ai compris les grandes lignes des posts (merci Ere pour les liens et merci Main² pour les avoir postés)...

Il est clair que c'est très bizarre et qu'il manque beaucoup d'informations pour pouvoir dire qu'il s'est, oui ou non, suicidé...
Déjà on ne fait que des suppositions car nous n'avons pas d'information sur l'état du corps (fracture de certains os, état des yeux, localisation de possible ecchymoses, aspect de la langue au moment où il a été retrouvé, état des poumons....).

Ensuite je souhaite réagir sur un point soulevé : L'absence de marque de strangulation.

Il faut prendre en compte un paramètre plus qu'important : Il était (pour les médecins en tout cas) en état de mort cérébrale ce qui veux dire que même si son cerveau état mort les fonctions vitales étaient maintenue. Certaines marques significatives de la pendaison (ou de la strangulation si il s'agit d'un cas homicide) n'apparaissent que post mortem et/ou peuvent être expliqué par d'autres causes.
Les traces au niveau du cou en font parti.
Je m'explique rapidement. Pour qu'il y est une ecchymose (quand la personne est vivante) il faut de manière générale un traumatisme violent qui va coloré les tissus (en gros hein). Dans le cas de pendaison partielle, ce qui est le cas pour Taiji puisqu'il n'est pas mort de la pendaison proprement dite, il n'est pas rare d'avoir une absence de marque dû à une durée de strangulation trop faible. Attention quand je dis trop faible je n’entends pas inoffensive. C'est par exemple le cas avec les jeunes qui joue "au jeux du foulard" et qui tombent dans le coma, les traces de strangulation ne sont pas forcément apparente.
Dans le cas d'un décès par pendaison ou strangulation les marques apparaissent souvent post mortem et cela à cause du sang qui ne circule plus et d'une accumulation de sang au niveau du traumatisme (dans le cas qui nous intéresse au niveau du cou principalement). Cependant il faut également signalé des affaires où les marques n'étaient pas présente alors que d'autres signes oui. Et dans ces cas là c'était toujours par rapport à une durée trop faible (par exemple la personne se suicide mais le lien se détache après la mort à cause du poids du corps).

Tout ça pour dire qu'une absence de marque n'est pas significative. Elle peux très bien s'expliquer dans le cas d'une pendaison partielle (qu'elle soit dû à un suicide ou à un homicide). Je n'extrapolerai pas non plus en disant qu'il y a eu aide extérieure voir une tentative d'homicide par asphyxie (ce qui peux éventuellement expliquer la présence de scotch sur sa bouche) car ça laisse également des traces. Hors comme je le disais plus haut nous n'avons pas d'informations sur ce qui a été trouvé ou non durant l'autopsie.

Maintenant il est vrai que je suis troublé par les deux derniers points cité par Ere.

Déjà les traces de scotch trouvé autour de sa bouche. Pourquoi mettre du scotch sur sa bouche ? Que ça soit volontaire et du fait d'un tiers, ça n'a pas de sens si c'était fait pour empêcher Taiji de respirer... le nez n'étant pas "scotcher". Après pour l'empêcher de faire trop de bruit là c'est autre chose...

Concernant ce fameux SMS là par contre c'est carrément suspect par contre ! J'ai encore jamais entendu de cas parlant d'envoi de SMS lors d'un coma et encore plus lors d'une mort cérébrale !

231Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Ven 29 Juil 2011 - 11:31



Mais Cerbertte (aha, ça fait drôle de te reparler comme ça), même si la thèse du suicide tient, les gardiens seraient quand même en partie responsables de sa mort. On bâillonne quelqu'un et on ne l'attache pas? S'il était vraiment "dangereux" à ce moment là, il l'auraient camisolé ou au moins ceinturé solidement à son lit. Un mec en taule ne devrait pas pouvoir intenter à ses jours, y'a eu un sérieux manquement le cas échéant.

Maintenant s'il ne s'agit pas d'un suicide, c'est encore plus grave...

232Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Ven 29 Juil 2011 - 12:15



Main² (et moi ça me change pas de te dire ça lol)
Je ne remet aucunement en doute que les conditions de détentions étaient franchement mauvaise. Et que comme tu le dis personne ne devrait pouvoir intenter à ses jours en prison hein ! Je dis seulement que certains points ne veulent pas forcément dire tentative d'homicide c'est tout -_-'

233Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Ven 29 Juil 2011 - 13:31



Merci pour les précisions que tu apportes.

De toute façon, sa mort reste floue et personne ne mentionne une autopsie officielle (alors qu'il y a autopsie dès qu'il y a un suicide).

On ne saura jamais la vérité, et au moins la ou il est, on lui fout la paix et personne ne lui fait de mal.
Mais j'aimerais savoir ce qu'il s'est passé, sa mort est tellement... inattendue... :'(
Il était trop jeune quoi merde...

pour le premier lien que je vous ai filé (http://ameblo.jp/dsb-sync/entry-10965301465.html)

>> c'est le blog d'un mec proche de Taiji qui connait l'ancien manager de Taiji

Voila un résumé de ce qu'il dit, traduit par un ami japonais de Pablit qui nous a mis au courant de la situation :

According to his post,
1. He thinks it's not a suicide. Because the manager have a big authority in Saipan and she can move Saipan police with money.

2. When his coma was reported by news in Japan, somebody in Saipan e-mailed to staff in Japan using TAIJI's CELL PHONE that '' I'm OK in here ''.
In other words, somebody pretended Taiji with his cell phone at that time (of course Terumi is suspected).

3. Around Daisuke's staff are trying to Taiji's body back to Japan for autopsy to search for reason why of the death and for hand his body to his family.

L'autre blog est celui d'un journaliste

Pablit m'a obtenu une traduction du message de Taiji envoyé à Shu, celui que j'avais posté dans l'autre topic, Atishi m'avait traduit ça mais il m'avait dit que certaines parties restaient approximatives.

Voila le texte traduit par un japonais :

i didnt sleep.
i kept thinking about what you said.
That's true people never change. But I have a bad habit that taking it heavily what people did good to me. People never change. But they can change. There are many people changing worse,

I'm tired of believing in people and making a fool of myself.

everybody will die sooner or later.

However, that doesn't change the fact that it is stupid to believe in people forcedly.
company, yes company. it was a great companiy, wasn't it. it was a great company. what made things so... i consider shu as a company, yes company, from the heart. sorry for wrting from early in the morning.

that's all
i go to sleep


Je rappelle tout de même qu'avant de s'emballer nous n'avons AUCUN moyen de savoir si tout ceci est fiable à 100%.

234Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Ven 29 Juil 2011 - 17:32



Ere a écrit:Merci pour les précisions que tu apportes.

De toute façon, sa mort reste floue et personne ne mentionne une autopsie officielle (alors qu'il y a autopsie dès qu'il y a un suicide).

On ne saura jamais la vérité, et au moins la ou il est, on lui fout la paix et personne ne lui fait de mal.
Mais j'aimerais savoir ce qu'il s'est passé, sa mort est tellement... inattendue... :'(
Il était trop jeune quoi merde...

pour le premier lien que je vous ai filé (http://ameblo.jp/dsb-sync/entry-10965301465.html)

>> c'est le blog d'un mec proche de Taiji qui connait l'ancien manager de Taiji

Voila un résumé de ce qu'il dit, traduit par un ami japonais de Pablit qui nous a mis au courant de la situation :

According to his post,
1. He thinks it's not a suicide. Because the manager have a big authority in Saipan and she can move Saipan police with money.

2. When his coma was reported by news in Japan, somebody in Saipan e-mailed to staff in Japan using TAIJI's CELL PHONE that '' I'm OK in here ''.
In other words, somebody pretended Taiji with his cell phone at that time (of course Terumi is suspected).

3. Around Daisuke's staff are trying to Taiji's body back to Japan for autopsy to search for reason why of the death and for hand his body to his family.

L'autre blog est celui d'un journaliste

Pablit m'a obtenu une traduction du message de Taiji envoyé à Shu, celui que j'avais posté dans l'autre topic, Atishi m'avait traduit ça mais il m'avait dit que certaines parties restaient approximatives.

Voila le texte traduit par un japonais :

i didnt sleep.
i kept thinking about what you said.
That's true people never change. But I have a bad habit that taking it heavily what people did good to me. People never change. But they can change. There are many people changing worse,

I'm tired of believing in people and making a fool of myself.

everybody will die sooner or later.

However, that doesn't change the fact that it is stupid to believe in people forcedly.
company, yes company. it was a great companiy, wasn't it. it was a great company. what made things so... i consider shu as a company, yes company, from the heart. sorry for wrting from early in the morning.

that's all
i go to sleep


Je rappelle tout de même qu'avant de s'emballer nous n'avons AUCUN moyen de savoir si tout ceci est fiable à 100%.

Ca me semble être trop tard...

235Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Ven 29 Juil 2011 - 18:40



Hum on a pas la même conception du mot alors, une seule page de commentaires et qui plus est pas de "haaaaan OOHHH omggggzzzz jveux mouriiiirrrr spa posssiiiibbbleee".

Je pense qu'on est tous conscients ici qu'il ne faut pas croire aveuglement ce qu'on peut raconter, mais ça reste légitime de se poser des questions.

236Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Ven 29 Juil 2011 - 18:46



Concernant son site internet, il y a un nouveau message sur son blog aujourd'hui.
Comme vous le savez peut être les messages sur le blogs avaient été effacés sans aucun accord, ainsi que la totalité de son site internet.

Voila une traduction Excite

Thank you to the kindness that the deceased received from everybody before the life.

There were regrettably an illegal access and an operation in TS GLASTON COMPANY TAIJI official homepage from the outside around 21:00PM, July 28th.

An official homepage was announced, and sentences in which the message (The bereaved family was a message did not know) from the bereaved family was published in the top were suddenly up-loaded and announced.

This top page is very perplexed though it tries to find the cause at once by the one operated from not what our company up-loaded it but the outside without permission.

I will take the procedure of juridical for the other party who did this illegal act depending on the transition in the future.
TAIJI official homepage is being restoring constructed as a place in which everybody who thinks of TAIJI gathers now.
Please receive the support that will not change into TS GLASTON COMPANY in the future.


Et le message original


7月28日午後21時頃、TS GLASTON COMPANY TAIJI公式ホームページに、遺憾にも外部から不正なアクセス、操作がありました。



どうか今後もTS GLASTON COMPANYに変わらぬ ご支援を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。


237Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Ven 29 Juil 2011 - 20:53



Il n'y a pas toujours d'autopsie pour les suicides.
Seulement ceux "suspect" (ça devient suspect toujours après, quand il y a plus de corps pour en faire une ^^)

Le fait qu'on lui ai laisser ses draps, il ne risquer pas grand chose je pense (il a blessé personne) il n'aurai pas eu une grande peine (si toute fois il en aurai eu une...) donc il n'avait aucun risque de "fuir" ses problèmes là.
(Après il devait surement avoir une autre raison, au vu des dernière lettres qu'Ere a posté sur un autre topic.

Mais si tout ça n'est pas se qu'il a voulu, c'est très moche du coup :/
Une autre mort suspecte pour un artiste, encore.

R.I.P Cowboy.

238Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Sam 30 Juil 2011 - 10:16



Ils disent que le compte a été piraté le 28 o_O ?! Mais le message d'avant est daté du 24... ¬¬

239Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Sam 30 Juil 2011 - 16:12



piraté ? ce qui est étrange c'est que les images disparus s'est celle avec sa manager !

240Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Sam 30 Juil 2011 - 16:25



Ben ça a pu être fait sans que la TSGlastonComp soit au courant, mais bon les dates coincident pas djà donc o_O (à moins d'un post anté-daté..)
Dtf les photos sont toutes réapparues là ne ? En même temps heu, je vois mal en quoi ça pourrait être des "photos compromettantes"...¬_¬ C'est pas comme si eux ne connaissaient pas sa gueule ou quoi... gné ?

241Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Sam 30 Juil 2011 - 22:46



En fait plusieurs personnes ont accès à ce blog, dont sa manager.
La manager a effacé quasiment la totalité du blog , mais ce n'est pas elle qui a posté les derniers messages.
De plus, ce n'est pas la manager qui a remis les photos de Saipan en ligne (vu qu'elle les as effacées , elle va pas les remettre en ligne)

Pour info sa manager est également une puissante businesswoman à Saipan.

Ces infos proviennent de la même personne japonaise qui nous a refilé les infos concernant les deux blogs et les traductions.

Dernière édition par Ere le Sam 30 Juil 2011 - 22:49, édité 1 fois

242Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Sam 30 Juil 2011 - 22:49



merle a écrit:Ils disent que le compte a été piraté le 28 o_O ?! Mais le message d'avant est daté du 24... ¬¬

Non merlou, le message disant que le compte à été piraté le 28 date du 30

le message du 24 disait juste qu'il y avait eu une couille dans le potage et qu'ils meneraient leur petite enquête.
(Le site et le blog ont "sauté" le 18 Juillet)

243Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Dim 31 Juil 2011 - 11:24



Ha et donc on a pas vu le message pirate du 28 ? ou alors ya pas eu de message pirate le 28 ? merde alors j'ai rien capté de ce qui s'est vraiment passé le 28 x)

On se croirait dans un nouvel épisode de CSI-Saipan.. pff..

244Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Jeu 4 Aoû 2011 - 17:22



Juste quelques jours après son anniversaire... Quelqu'un qui a énormément approté à X...
Je ne peux que dire RIP Taiji.

245Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Mer 10 Aoû 2011 - 20:16



Pablit a publié ça, je vous laisse lire.
Je cherche encore qui sont ces Frederick Mayer et Bryon ThigPen.
Je ne fais que faire circuler ce texte et en aucun je ne prétend qu'il soit sûr, que ce soit bien clair.
Cependant certains passages sont vrais, notamment sur l'influence qu'avait sa manager à Saipan, entre autre.

Ce qui me semble louche c'est que nous n'avons AUCUNE info officielle sur ses funérailles ou du moins ou il repose.


* By Frederick J. Mayer
* and Byron Thigpen

On July 15, 2011, at 11 AM, the influential Japanese bass player and songwriter Sawada Taiji (better known simply as “Taiji”)

died within the Intensive Care Unit of the Commonwealth Health Center from complications caused by an alleged attempted suicide

in the United States Commonwealth of Saipan.

The front man of the famed X-Japan (the band in which Taiji first gained major notoriety) Yoshiki said upon hearing the news,

“The news of Taiji’s death has left me speechless.

I don’t know how to cope with the loss yet."

Originally, the loss of Taiji was greeted as just another tragic end to a talented, outrageous, free-wheeling, out-of-control

rock star who took his own life in the same manner as one of his former X-Japan band mates, the gifted and extremely popular

lead guitarist Hideto “Hide” Matsumoto, who hanged himself. However, as more details come to light, the story of Taiji and

his demise turns out not to be so simplistic.

Sawada Taiji was born in Japan on July 12, 1966 and, by 1982, he was a high school dropout.

The ever rebellious musical prodigy soon after created his first band Trash.

At the end of 1986, Taiji became an official member of X (by 2008, renamed X-Japan).

In 1992, He left the band because, according to the official press release, he had

“musical differences” with the group. However, in Taiji’s autobiography

Uchuu o Kakeru Tomo e: Densetsu no Bando X no Sei to Shi he says that, in truth,

he was asked to leave because he confronted Yoshiki about the substantial

income gap between Yoshiki and the other band members..

In 1994, Taiji formed D.T.R. (“Dirty Trash Road”), but, in 1995,

the band was put on hold as he went through “personal problems”

including getting divorced from his wife, who he married in 1989.

At this time, he became homeless.

Financial problems would be a constant companion throughout his life.

The group became active again in 2006 with a slightly different line-up.

Taiji’s Blog’s staff announced in December, 2008, that since September of that year,

his epilepsy and chronic strokes had worsen.

Taiji was officially welcomed back to X-Japan in August, 2010, with the former bad blood

between them gone. And, Taiji happily had a fiancé. He was well on his way to a fabulous comeback.

Then, that November, the “mysterious’ KT entered the picture.

KT eventually convinces Taiji to have her as his exclusive manager/agent.

It is never really clear to anyone how KT was able to so completely take over Taiji and his activities.

She is the head of You’nz Productions and represents the Mariana Film Studio in Minato-Ku, Tokyo, Japan.

KT’s husband holds the management rights to the Mariana Film Studio and he is currently the president of

Mariana Resort and Spa Hotel which is one of the largest hotels in Saipan.

KT has been consistently suspected of having, but never legally proven, ties with the Yakuza (Japanese Mafia).

By 2011, KT had total control over Taiji’s affairs and had successfully isolated him from his past associates.

She maintained his cell phone because it allowed her to screen any negative contacts from him;

this is not an unusual action performed by an artist’s manager.

She had booked him into performing in a small izakaya pub in Saipan, where he played solo on an acoustic guitar.

He received no pay for four months and, with a credit card given him by KT, Taiji becomes deeply in debt.

By July he and his fiancé are bankrupt.

On July 11, Taiji reluctantly returns to Saipan. He strongly resists returning and becomes quite unhappy with KT.

This is when Shinsho steps into the scene.

Shinsho is a type of guru, “Life consultant”, who claims to be able to heal large numbers of people without even touching them.

He has a large worldwide cult following and he often appears on Taiji’s Blog. Shinsho convinces Taiji to go back to Saipan.

The now deeply in debt and reduced to playing in a small Saipan dive, Taiji is in a very unpleasant state of mind

as he embarks on Delta Air Lines flight 298. As the flight is about to descend, a crew member in the commercial class

hears a loud argument going on in the business class. Upon entering, she finds Taiji arguing with KT.

Suddenly, Taiji starts behaving irrationally and physical, interfering with the crew member’s work.

There is a female passenger who has wrapped her arms about Taiji, but he continues to violently kick and scream.

After awhile, the captain of the flight is called in and Taiji has to be forcefully restrained.

When the plane finally lands, Taiji is arrested and put into detention.

The general details about what happened were later confirmed by the arresting FBI agent Mary Goff.

Taiji, when he exits the aircraft, never gives an explanation for his behavior.

According to some physicians, this kind of behavior is very similar to someone experiencing a minor epileptic fit.

Taiji did, earlier, call his fiancé and told her that he loved her and that he was going to quit working in Saipan and working for KT.

He would go to work in her father’s music production company. Federal Prosecutor James Benedetto moved for a detention hearing and

the court set the bail amount at $2,500, as well as, appointing Mark Hanson as his defense attorney. KT refused to pay the bail for Taiji.

It is interesting to note that at this particular time KT deleted Taiji’s Blog site.

On July 12, Taiji’s birthday, it is reported that he was found hanging by his bed sheet in his cell.

Police Commissioner Ramon Mafnas stated that Taiji was taken to the Commonwealth Heath Center’s intensive care unit,

but he declined to provide any other details. Taiji was alive, but brain dead and in a coma.

Interesting that KT, who had seen Taiji in the holding cell, used his cell phone at this time to send messages and mail

to others in such a manner that it made seem that he was conscious and healthy.

Between July 13-14, Shinsho seemed to attempt to play down the whole incident by calling Taiji’s fiancé and suggested that

they tell the press that Taiji was taking sleeping pills and alcohol to deal with his depression and that, in turn,

caused his wild behavior and got him arrested.

The fiancé had no idea that Taiji was depressed and felt that he was happy and looking forward to the future.

On July 15, Taiji’s fiancé and his long estranged parents arrived in Saipan.

KT and Shinsho arrange it so that they stayed in different hotels and they didn’t meet each other until

they both arrived at the hospital. All the information concerning Taiji is conveyed to them by KT.

At long last, the mother and fiancé decide to end Taiji’s life support system.

The body, or what’s left of it, has yet to be sent back to Japan.

It has been cremated, by whose instructions it isn’t clear yet, only that it wasn’t the parents or his fiancé.

As this is written, there has been no definitive account of what happened to Taiji in his holding cell.

Taiji’s defense lawyer Hanson said, in the documents he filed in the Northern Marianas District Court,

that Taiji was “upset with himself” over his behavior.

Ironically, Taiji’s death was announced to the court by U.S. Attorney Alicia A.G. Limtiaco, who had

originally gone there to file a request for the dismissal of all Federal charges against Sawada Taiji.

In the end, it is no longer a clear case of a wild, uncontrollable rocker doing himself in because of

some perverse passion or desire.

The true How or Why of the epileptic Taiji’s demise is still in question.

May the eventual truth be not speechless.

246Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Mer 10 Aoû 2011 - 20:36



Merci de communiquer ça Ere... P'tain...

Ironically, Taiji’s death was announced to the court by U.S. Attorney Alicia A.G. Limtiaco, who had originally gone there to file a request for the dismissal of all Federal charges against Sawada Taiji.
l'ironie du sort quoi ><

247Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Mer 10 Aoû 2011 - 20:38



Merci Ere d'avoir posté ce texte.C'est vrai que cette mort est louche.J'ai l'impression en lisant ce texte que Taiji était entièrement sous l'emprise de cette KT+sa ruiné ont dû le mener à commettre un tel acte.Cette KT a dû le mettre hors de lui et c'est pour ça qu'il s'est mis à péter les plombs.D'ailleurs ça serait bien de savoir ce qu'ils ont pu se dire.
A mon avis Taiji en avait marre de devoir encore lutter.


248Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Mer 10 Aoû 2011 - 20:51



C'est loin d'être la première fois que des trucs louches sortent à propos de cette ***** de manager ! Bon sang, j'espère qu'un jour on saura le fin de mot de tout ça et qu'elle aura ce qu'elle mérite ! En plus, d'après ce texte, Taiji a également eu affaire à un gouru de secte comme Toshi. Si tout ça est vrai, c'est ignoble et écoeurant...

249Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Mer 10 Aoû 2011 - 21:00



Je suis entrée en contact avec une personne qui a cotoyé Taiji durant son séjour à Saipan. C'est une personne qui s'occupe du tourisme de son île (son domaine est le monde sous marin) et il considérait Taiji comme son ami.
Il m'a dit quelque chose sans que je lui parle de cette affaire, qui m'a fait tilt. Je vous colle le passage :

I know that people like to take advantage and use people like Taiji and perhaps he was just tired of being used. I was not interested in his celebrity and fame but more in helping him through his pain. There were perhaps some people around him that wanted to use him and take advantage of him. I was not one of them. I just wanted to be his friend and help him get his life back.

250Décès de Taiji - Page 10 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Mer 10 Aoû 2011 - 21:51



Nan mais un mec qui se fait couiller par sa manager, qui se fait voler et tt, il pète un câble ok, il se pend pas ensuite dans sa cellule alors que 1) il sait qu'il va sortir prochainement et que 2) il a une fiancé avec qui ça semble aller.........
Un mec comme ça il fait ce qui était prévu ! Il quitte sa manager et basta....

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