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Décès de Taiji

Dong Koo
Little Jane
Siu Keung
Jean Beudebois
Neo Kerberos
Ryn X June
64 participants

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251Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Mer 10 Aoû 2011 - 21:56



Donc ça veut dire quoi ton message merlou?
Par ailleurs, n'oublions pas ce passage :

Shinsho is a type of guru, “Life consultant”, who claims to be able to heal large numbers of people without even touching them.

He has a large worldwide cult following and he often appears on Taiji’s Blog. Shinsho convinces Taiji to go back to Saipan.

Je pense que si Taiji avait des soucis, il a pu se faire embobiner facilement.

On se rappelle tous de l'épisode Toshi à l'époque...

252Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Mer 10 Aoû 2011 - 22:46



Il semble vraiment régner un grand flou dans cette triste histoire.

Animals As Leaders:1 / Apocalyptica:1 / Arch Enemy:2 / Arkona:2 / Cradle of Filth:2 / Dalriada: 1 / Devin Townsend: 2 / Eluveitie:2 /
Epica:3 / Finntroll:2 / Galneryus:1  Gojira:3 / Gravity:2 / Iron Maiden:1 / Kalisia:1 / Korpiklaani:1 / Lacuna Coil:1 / Luna Sea:1 / Metallica:3 /
Myrath:1 / Nightwish(Tarja):1 / Rhapsody:2 / Sentenced:1 / Sonata Arctica:5 / Symphony X:1 / Tesseract:1 / Ultra Vomit:1 / Within Temptation:1 / X japan: 1,5 ^^

253Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Jeu 11 Aoû 2011 - 0:08



Faut aussi se dire que le jour de son anniversaire, il moisit en taule... y'a de quoi déprimer sec...

254Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Jeu 11 Aoû 2011 - 0:25



Le truc c'est qu'il savait qu'il allait sortir en fait... donc.. :/

255Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Jeu 11 Aoû 2011 - 0:33



Ah... L'autre truc auquel je pensais, c'est que cette fameuse KT (en plus j'ai pensé à Tetsuya Komuro... pff, la honte) aurait pu le suicider. Mais bon, ça tient pas debout, c'est hypothétique quoi...

256Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Jeu 11 Aoû 2011 - 1:02



bien on a pu l'endormir et le pendre, ce qui expliquerai le sparadra sur la bouche ?

site de la soeur de taiji (mayo) : http://sistermayo.kill.jp/profile/
son twitter : https://twitter.com/#!/sisMAYO

257Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Jeu 11 Aoû 2011 - 9:32



Mon message Ere c'était pour répondre à JB qui disait en gros que ouais ce qu'il vivait expliquait qu'il ait pu se pendre... Et moi je trouve que ça tient pas du tout.

Par contre ouais on a pu le baillonner puis le pendre, même si un scotch sur la bouche ça me semble limite suffisant pour pendre qqn (en mesure de se défendre un minimum quand même)... Après, si les flics ont été payé pour prendre une pause ou détourner les yeux... tout est possible, m'enfin bon on peut vraiment partir loin dans les suppositions quoi, sans preuve ni rien -_-...

Pff le lien vers sister Mayo ça m'a foutu limite les larmes aux yeux, je repense à des tas de fous rires et de délires à la con... let's go for a ride.. hmm..u_u

258Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Jeu 29 Déc 2011 - 18:51



On parle de Taiji chez Musiquemag.com dans l'article "Ils nous ont quitté en 2011" (catégorie "Metal"). Ça fais ... Bizarre ...


259Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Lun 2 Jan 2012 - 22:13

Ryn X June

Ryn X June

Il est mentionné ici aussi... http://rafu.com/news/2012/01/reflecting-on-those-lost-last-year/


260Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Mar 17 Juil 2012 - 13:04



1 an déjà. Rest in Peace.

Jame consacre un article pour reparler de sa carrière. http://www.jame-world.com/fr/articles-88355-en-memoire-de-taiji-sawada.html

Yoshiki a également posté un message sur son FB :
"Our former member of X... Taiji, died a year ago today. Even though we went our separate ways a long time ago, we shared the same stage in 2010 as Xjapan.
I went to see him the other day in Japan and talked to him about a lot of things.
"We will make our dream live on."
Rest In Peace, Taiji..."

261Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Mar 17 Juil 2012 - 15:42



Et oui 1 an déjà... Rest In Peace Taiji.

262Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Mar 17 Juil 2012 - 18:47



ça passe trop vite.
ça vaut bien un petit coup de spleen

d'ailleurs c'est Taiji qui chante parfois avec ToshI?

Animals As Leaders:1 / Apocalyptica:1 / Arch Enemy:2 / Arkona:2 / Cradle of Filth:2 / Dalriada: 1 / Devin Townsend: 2 / Eluveitie:2 /
Epica:3 / Finntroll:2 / Galneryus:1  Gojira:3 / Gravity:2 / Iron Maiden:1 / Kalisia:1 / Korpiklaani:1 / Lacuna Coil:1 / Luna Sea:1 / Metallica:3 /
Myrath:1 / Nightwish(Tarja):1 / Rhapsody:2 / Sentenced:1 / Sonata Arctica:5 / Symphony X:1 / Tesseract:1 / Ultra Vomit:1 / Within Temptation:1 / X japan: 1,5 ^^

263Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Mar 17 Juil 2012 - 19:04



J'en ai l'impression oui, on reconnaît son sseveu !

264Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Mar 17 Juil 2012 - 19:14



bien belle voix, son timbre a pas mal changé après je pense (rien que des extraits d'itw il a déjà fumé plus de gauloises sans filtres et sucez des cailloux)

Animals As Leaders:1 / Apocalyptica:1 / Arch Enemy:2 / Arkona:2 / Cradle of Filth:2 / Dalriada: 1 / Devin Townsend: 2 / Eluveitie:2 /
Epica:3 / Finntroll:2 / Galneryus:1  Gojira:3 / Gravity:2 / Iron Maiden:1 / Kalisia:1 / Korpiklaani:1 / Lacuna Coil:1 / Luna Sea:1 / Metallica:3 /
Myrath:1 / Nightwish(Tarja):1 / Rhapsody:2 / Sentenced:1 / Sonata Arctica:5 / Symphony X:1 / Tesseract:1 / Ultra Vomit:1 / Within Temptation:1 / X japan: 1,5 ^^

265Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Mar 17 Juil 2012 - 20:51



On dirait la voix du chanteur de Scorpions... Encore un live que l'on aimerai voir en entier.

266Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Mar 17 Juil 2012 - 20:55



daruko a écrit:On dirait la voix du chanteur de Scorpions... Encore un live que l'on aimerai voir en entier.

Tu devrais le trouver en torrent.
Je l'avais uploadé sur Nautiljon mais MegaUpload n'existant plus...

267Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Mar 17 Juil 2012 - 22:24



Y a le lien de Jpop suki mais mon compte est bloqué.

268Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Jeu 19 Juil 2012 - 22:32



policenauts a écrit:
d'ailleurs c'est Taiji qui chante parfois avec ToshI?

Taiji a toujours chanté pendant voiceless (et Joker etc en backing vocals lol).
Vous avez jamais entendu Dear Friend ? Ou euh.... Rain song ? <3

Pour ma part, c'est con hein, et tout le monde s'en fout, mais je suis heureux d'avoir un nouveau souvenir à mettre sur le 17 juillet, et un bien meilleur.

Je regrette par contre que ça n'ait pas été plus approfondi que ça quand même ct'histoire..

269Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Jeu 19 Juil 2012 - 22:46



sur la vidéo dessus c'était pas évident au vu de l'éclairage, et mes visionnage sur du X vieille époque remonte à loin.

Animals As Leaders:1 / Apocalyptica:1 / Arch Enemy:2 / Arkona:2 / Cradle of Filth:2 / Dalriada: 1 / Devin Townsend: 2 / Eluveitie:2 /
Epica:3 / Finntroll:2 / Galneryus:1  Gojira:3 / Gravity:2 / Iron Maiden:1 / Kalisia:1 / Korpiklaani:1 / Lacuna Coil:1 / Luna Sea:1 / Metallica:3 /
Myrath:1 / Nightwish(Tarja):1 / Rhapsody:2 / Sentenced:1 / Sonata Arctica:5 / Symphony X:1 / Tesseract:1 / Ultra Vomit:1 / Within Temptation:1 / X japan: 1,5 ^^

270Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Ven 20 Juil 2012 - 9:52



Sur celle du On the verge on voit un peu mieux que c'est lui (mais il chante moins) Smile

271Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Jeu 20 Déc 2012 - 21:08



Voilà la trad d'un article sur la mort de taiji, que ere m'a fait parvenir via FB : Dans l'article, ils ne mentionnent pas le vrai nom de sa manager qui est Terumi Kitami, pour protéger l'identité de la personne, pour ne pas avoir de problèmes...

Weekly Bunshun 14th Oct Part 1
Article: Whether TAIJI (former X Japan) did committed suicide?
Rock band former X member TAIJI (real name Taiji Sawada, then 45 years old) passed away on 17th July last year. According to Daily Sport on 18th July 2011, ‘TAIJI has done committed suicide using bed sheet, hanged himself on the night of 17th while he was under arrest.’
X Japan’s another members, guitarist HIDE died on hanged himself on 1998. So it was big news that time.
One year since TAIJI’s death, there is a person who is still wondering if he did kill himself. This is Tomomi Akatsuka (TAIJI’s significant-other, age 33) who decides to reveal her real name to the public first time. Ms Akatsuka is still searching for this matter herself. On the other hand, Ms Akatsuka has filed the court case a woman for committed fraud who tried to get money from her, using TAIJI’s private mobile phone, sent message to her acting as from TAIJI himself just before and after his death.
I will explain this fraud case later. First of all, I would like to refrain what happen around TAIJI’s death time from Ms Akatsuka’s interview.
Ms Akatuska arrived at Saipan General Hospital (CHC, Note I don’t know what CHC stands for, it might be not called this hospital as Saipan General Hospital in local)’s ICU unit on early morning of 17th July last year.
‘I’ve got a message that TAIJI was very critical condition. So I rushed to Saipan. I introduced myself as TAIJI’s fiancé to the nurse. The nurse took me to ICU, let me see him. I said to him, ‘‘You’ll be OK. Now I’m here’’ but he didn’t respond. I was told he did hang himself. I removed his clothes to examine myself. There was no mark on his neck. I wanted to know what happen to him. So I checked his body repeatedly. Still, no sign of mark. But I’ve seen reddish stripe mark on his chest.’

TAIJI had been arrested by FBI causing violence act in the cabin of Delta 298 on the way to Saipan on 11th July 2011. After landed the plane, he was officially arrested by Saipan police. The evening of 17th He hanged himself in the police cell. TAIJI’s next of kin was informed from Japanese Foreign Office. TAIJI’s mother arrived at CHC around lunch time on 17th , after 3 days later TAIJI had committed suicide. When TAIJI’s mother saw her lifeless son, also she realised no mark on his neck. Then she questioned around where the sheets TAIJI hanged with. Everybody there just said ‘I don’t know’.
Ms Akatsuka continued, ‘His next of kin and I were taken to a little room where the doctor explained his condition. He said, ‘‘The patient suffers brain dead. The only the way will be stop the life supporting machine.’’ He didn’t explain anything about his body condition. The option was stop life supporting machine only. Takako (TAIJI’s mother) couldn’t accept someone in the police cell could manage to kill themselves, kept questioning to the doctor. The doctor just repeated ‘‘Patient suffers brain dead’’.
As the doctor’s recommendation, TAIJI’s mother accepted. Then TAIJI passed away.
TAIJI originally came from Chiba prefecture. He was very active with his bands since he was in high school. On 1986, YOSHIKI (age 46) invited him to X. He was known as charismatic bassist, but 1992 he left X then moved to Loudness and followed playing in the other few bands.
On 2010, TAIJI played again at X Japan’s live stage since he left the band 18 years ago.
Ms Akatsuka was a ballet dancer when she met TAIJI first time on 2009. Soon, they became an item, started to live together. Their friends all knew about it. They set up new management office. Ms Akatsuka started to support TAIJI as his personal manager. She said, ‘I still can’t believe he has gone. He never showed the sign of it before.’

Why there was no mark on TAIJI’s neck, in spite of hanging himself? What was happen while he was under arrest? Why TAIJI was aggressive in the airplane for his arrest? There are lots of un-answered questions. So the editor has flown to Saipan to find out.
First of all, I’ve got TAIJI’s death report from local police station. According to the report, TAIJI’s hanged time was at 17.06 on 14th July. There was a TAIJI’s local contact telephone number too which he wrote on his landing card. I rang that number. The receiver was Korean Poker Game shop. I asked ‘Did you get an enquiry about death incident from police one year ago?’ He said ‘We didn’t. I don’t know that person (TAIJI), either. We have same telephone number since 5 years ago. You might have got wrong number.’ I wonder whether trust worthy this report itself.
After this, I visited Mr Prestry who is charged for this incident in North Mariana island (Note: I can’t translate exact his title. Avoid mistake I wouldn’t). I mentioned ‘I’ve heard there was no mark on TAIJI’s neck in spite he hanged himself.’ Mr Prestry was surprised, then he has changed to take the matter seriously. I continued. ‘Is it possible the custody hang in the police cell?’ Mr Prestry replied, ‘Normally impossible. I can’t understand how.’ He shook his head and sighed.
Then I visited FBI officer who arrested TAIJI. He only showed me the Court document. According to this, TAIJI has become angry and aggressive to passenger B, just 30 minutes before landing on Saipan airport. He was pinned then arrested for ‘Interruption and distraction to the air attendants’ business’ (Note: it might be not exactly translated).
FBI special officer Mr Goff described, ‘According to cabin attendant, (he or she) heard shouting voice and banging sound from Business class cabin. When the cabin attendant approached that seat, (he or she) saw Taiji Sawada and passenger B were arguing terribly. The passenger B tried to hold Taiji’s body. Taiji was kicking and shouting.
So who was this passenger B who augured with TAIJI? It sounds like the third party but this is Toshiko Hayakawa (not real name) who was TAIJI’s manager that time. This Ms Hayakawa is the person whom Ms Akatsuka is now filing the Court for committed fraud.

They met first time on November 2009, just after TAIJI’s live concert had finished. The lady who looked around age 40 approached to talk to TAIJI and Ms Akatsuka. That was Ms Hayakawa. Ms Hayakawa said ‘My husband owns the biggest resort in Saipan. We have 2 million yen worth studio there. But we don’t have any clue how to use it. Would you like to be our business partner?’ In spite this was their first meeting, Ms Hayakawa invited them to very expensive meal and paid hotel to stay that night. After this, TAIJI consulted to some matter on 2010. Since then, they became very close.

Ms Akatsuka said ‘Ms Hayakawa was very humble first. She often showed us her photos with celebrities. She appealed to her strong connection with those people. So we trusted her.’
In fact, according to another Ms Hayakawa’s friend said, ‘She is fame monger. She often bragged about her relationship with Choshuriki, TatsumiFujinami (both former professional wrestlers), Kyoko Fukazawa (actress), Mika Mifune (singer), George Takahashi (musician).’
Those individual’s management office explained their relationship with Ms Hayakawa, ‘Chosuriki used to stay her husband’s resort hotel often. She has given him a lift from airport to resort few times. Since TAIJI’s incident, we tried to keep distance with her.’ (Office of Choshuriki)
‘Mr Fujinami was noticed at Saipan Airport by Ms Hayakawa. Then she has invited him for meal. That’s all. Not so close relationship.’ (TatsumiFujinami’s wife)
Kyoko Fukada, Mika Mifune, George Takahashi’s offices have commented, ‘We don’t know private relationship.’

In the end, Ms Hayakawa and they set up management office together on spring 2011. Ms Hayakawa started looking after TAIJI as his manager. Ms Akatsuka said, ‘I would have liked to settle down with TAIJI as an house wife, so I wanted to let her manage his work. This was big mistake.’ From now on, the situation was moving strange way.
Then Ms Hayakawa introduced Mr Shigeo Kamiya (not real name, around 50 years old) whom Ms Hayakawa has been admiring, into their management office as a special adviser. He introduced himself as a management consultant. Also he has more than hundred fans for his spiritual counselling.
The friend of Ms Hayakawa and Mr Kamiya said, ‘Ms Hayakawa called Mr Kamiya as ‘The God’. She was consulting to Mr Kamiya everything making her decision. He looks very big and vulgar.’
Ms Hayakawa promised to support TAIJI and Ms Akatsuka’s married life. She suggested to get married at Saipan to them. Actually, Ms Hayakawa took TAIJI to Saipan on May 2011. Around this time, Ms Hayakawa’s attitude was dramatically changed. Ms Akatsuka said, ‘Ms Hayakawa started to criticise another people.’
For example, Ms Hayakawa was bragging about she has married with Saipan resort owner. On the other hand, she commented about Ms Akatsuka’s former job as a ballet dancer, repeatedly.
TAIJI started to hate Ms Hayakawa, saying ‘She changes her story often’ ‘She is living with only her egotism.’ Ms Hayakawa took around TAIJI, but never paid him any wage.
In that time, TAIJI and Ms Hayakawa were often auguring all the time.
Ms Akatsuka continued, ‘That his last trip was for business. Just before the trip to Saipan, Ms Hayakawa and he were fighting terribly. Once he said he wouldn’t go, cut off the contact with Ms Hayakawa. Ms Hayakawa contacted me by e-mail asking let her know what would like him to do by two hours before boarding time. Their relationship seemed impossible to mend. But Mr Kamiya went into between them, negotiated to TAIJI. Then he accepted to go to Saipan. He said to me, ‘This would be my last time working with Ms Hayakawa’.
In the end, TAIJI was arrested at Saipan, put him custody, he died. While the incident was going on, there was strange things have happen.
The first time Ms Akatsuka has been learnt about TAIJI’s incident was e-mail message from Mr Kamiya who was with Ms Hayakawa and TAIJI at Saipan. The e-mail dated at 16.20 on 15th July. More than 24 hours had passed since the incident. The e-mail said ‘Let you know TAIJI-kun has been arrested by FBI due to his aggressive behaviour in the airplane cabin. The reason he was very upset about was auguring with Tomo-chan (Ms Akatsuka). He shouted that he would kill himself aggressively. While he was in the Court case, he seemed to hang himself in the police cell. At a moment, he is unconscious. We can’t see him.’
Ms Akatsuka’s memory of that day is still vivid. Ms Akatsuka said, ‘I couldn’t understand what going on. I was stunned. I’d never augured with him. The day before was my birthday. Both of us celebrated together. The main strange thing was that I and he were sending messages few times each other since he meant be landed at Saipan. Of course his mail didn’t have mentioned he had been arrested.’

While Ms Akatsuka was in shock, another e-mail came from TAIJI’s mobile phone, who must have been in coma that time. It said, ‘I understood. Please check and send it. Could you contact to Ms Hayakawa’s mobile phone in Saipan?’ (Received timed and dated at 16.58 on 15th July)
Ms Akatsuka thought TAIJI has been in coma? Was Mr Kamiya’s information right? Just after TAIJI’s message, Ms Hayakawa sent Ms Akatsuka a mail. It said, ‘The credit card statement was 770,000 yen. What can I say? Are Tomomi-san very angry?’
I, the reporter witnessed the list of Ms Akatsuka’s mobile phone messages between TAIJI and her. I’ve checked the mail just before TAIJI went to Saipan and after. Just before he went to Saipan, the messages were just normal lovers’, caring each other. But after he arrested on 12th July, the writing touch has been changed. It impossible to believe same person sent those messages. The bright emoticons have appeared suddenly. It is very strange. It said, ‘I’ve never been told from Toshiko-san, but the God will come definitely. Please send money in. Please open the account. If there is something else, ring to the God all together. We must be punished. Please ring the God and apologise to him. Regard.’
Again, I want to make the point, that time TAIJI had been arrested.

Weekly Bunshun 14th Oct Part 2
I, the editor have questioned few local polices and solicitors about that it was possible to use mobile phone in the police cell and contact outside people while the person was custody. All of them say ‘Impossible. Never let them use mobile phone in the cell’.
But Ms Akatsuka didn’t know TAIJI had been arrested. She believed the mails were sent by TAIJI that time. She was worried about him and tried to do what he said.
These corresponding were about TAIJI’s business expense using Ms Hayakawa’s credit card. He was saying he would have to pay back to her. The mail which I mentioned previously in this article including 770,000 yen was his debt for Ms Hayakawa.
The first bogus TAIJI mail arrived at 9.23am on 12th, the day after they had arrived at Saipan. It said, ‘Gift: Where did we buy from?’ Ms Akatsuka couldn’t have any clue what he was talking but she replied. Then ‘I used Toshiko-san’s card. I’ve spent too much. Please pay back. If not, I would be prosecuted as a crime.’
Ms Akatsuka said, ‘First of all, we were using the card with Ms Hayakawa’s permission. I thought bit strange. Car fuel, etc. were business expense.
Even after this, the mail exchange have carried on. The mail subject started to change from 14th July when around TAIJI tried committed suicide.
To start with, at 9.40, ‘Could you check my parent’s home address in Ichikawa-city and send me as soon as possible’. These about 15 mails have sent from TAIJI’s mobile phone which asking about TAIJI’s his own relatives’ contacts.
In the mean time, at 19.35 on 14th, Ms Akatsuka has received a long e-mail from Ms Hayakawa. She was saying TAIJI had asked sending her to. After she learnt, the same mail has been sent to another people too. The mail contents were; TAIJI and Ms Hayakawa’s trouble history. He was supporting she was right. He admitted Ms Akatsuka and his fault rather Ms Hayakawa’s.
The day after Ms Akatsuka got this mail, Mr Kamiya told about TAIJI’s committed suicide. She was trying to find out what going on. She contacted to Ms Hayakawa’s mobile phone. She never answered. On the other hand, Ms Hayakawa was responding by e-mail. But only she asked sending the money and interested how to deal with media.
The middle of that night, Ms Hayakawa contacted Ms Akatsuka’s mobile phone, finally. Ms Akatsuka explained, ‘‘I said to Ms Hayakawa that I heard TAIJI was unconscious from you, but I received mails from TAIJI till that afternoon.’’ She seemed lost what she says and be silence a while. She asked advice next to her. Then she said ‘‘It must be time rag to receive mails by Soft Bank mobile phone, mustn’it?’ But the mail exchanges with TAIJI were almost same as chat. So it was impossible. Unexpectedly, Ms Hayakawa mentioned about TAIJI and I had fight. I said no. Again Ms Hayakawa became silence. Ms Hayakawa said, ‘‘TAIJI hated your parent. It must be awkward’’. I said, ‘‘They are very close.’’ Then Ms Hayakawa hung up the phone without say good bye.’

On 17th when Ms Akatsuka arrived at CHC, TAIJI’s relatives appeared with Ms Hayakawa and Mr Kamiya. Ms Hayakawa left shortly after. Mr Kamiya took her different room and asked her to say same thing as what he said; TAIJI was so drunk. He had nightmare while he was a sleep, then became violently. If this story line, nobody would be harmed. He asked to her not to tell the media.
I, the editor, interviewed and pointed out this to Mr Kamiya directly. He said. ‘TAIJI had taken sleeping pill and alcohol together. His aggressive behaviour caused by combine those two. Ms Hayakawa was a victim. In the Court case document, his aggressive behaviour caused by auguring with Ms Hayakawa. Actually, TAIJI was angry about fight with Ms Akatsuka.’
Unsatisfied Ms Akatsuka has decided to press charge Ms Hayakawa to Aoba branch of Kanagawa Police as an attempted fraud. The police have filed. The reason was the suspicion of sending bogus mails acting as TAIJI himself and asking money. The Interpol issued court appearance order to Ms Hayakawa. But she hasn’t replied yet.
Was Ms Hayakawa acting as TAIJI on those mails? Does she know something very important his death? I, the editor, have visited her home in Saipan. But I couldn’t meet her. Instead I rang her mobile phone. She answered then shouted high tone voice. ‘Where do you ring from? From Fiesta Hotel? I don’t want to answer any question about TAIJI matter. I was annoyed the rumours. I would like say something but I work with celebrity. So I can understand. Please leave me alone.’
Then I’ve mentioned about Ms Akatsuka’s court case to her. She hanged up, never answered the phone again.
I’ve interviewed Ms Hayakawa’s husband who owns resort. He said, ‘I and former my wife have divorced five years ago. We have kids but I look after them. Former my wife doesn’t involve my resort business any more. I am really annoyed about TAIJI and my former wife’s rumour. Has she sued by TAIJI’s fiancé? I didn’t know that. Rather I want to know what happen next.
I wonder mysterious TAIJI’s death would be buried forever.

source : http://022.holidayblog.jp/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/6000044.jpeg

272Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Ven 21 Déc 2012 - 13:57



Ouais hein.... Hallucinant...
La traduction semble tout de même à plusieurs endroits plus qu'approximative donc je pense qu'il faut faire gaffe aux risques de contresens par endroit, mais bon sur le fond c'est assez clair -__-..
Espérons que ça puisse aller jusqu'au bout.

Je me demande quand même ce que le FBI peut bien avoir à foutre d'un mec agressif dans un avion...........C'est pas franchement leur boulot là si O_o ?!

273Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Sam 22 Déc 2012 - 3:30



je crois que c'est Hélène qui a fait la trad. Ce qui est sur, c'est que la fiancé de taiji à déposé une plainte pour usurpation d’identité contre l'ancienne manager. Elle m'a aussi dit qu'avec de l'argent tous s'acheter et que son ancienne manger est une femme assez puissante au saipan. Ceci explique peut être a présence du FBI.

274Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Sam 22 Déc 2012 - 10:37



Je ne crois pas qu'Ere ait traduit du jap à l'anglais non ^^ Je la vois demain on en parlera *_______________*

275Décès de Taiji - Page 11 Empty Re: Décès de Taiji Sam 22 Déc 2012 - 11:49



Tu lui feras un gros smack de la part de tout le fo hein diiis *.*

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