Voici son dernier blog:
Today (May 2nd) is the anniversary of Hide's death.
I feel my dearest friend's death taught me how to live truly.
That is;
to pursue what I really want to do honestly and purely,
to live a life contributing to the bright future for our planet earth, Nature and its children and to the world peace,
to live positively with a smile in my heart even in the darkened world,
to jump in to find some treasures in adversity,
I vow to my dearest friend that I will live such a life till the very end of my life.
What kind of life do YOU vow to your beloved, precious friend(s)?
The concerts at Aji-no-moto Stadium will be open soon!
I wish to see you with your most beautiful smiles.
Dernière édition par KamisamaKurenai le Dim 25 Mai 2008 - 21:44, édité 1 fois